Year 2: Live/Work Studio

Makoko Floating School: Study with Rhino 7.


In the summer, when the prevailing wind is coming from the East, the vents at the bottom of the East facade can be opened to direct air into the windows on the West Facade.

This enables a more thorough ventilation to displace warm air across the entire height of the space,

In the winter, when the prevailing wind is coming from the North, the pocket windows on the north facade open to allow ventilation of hot air from the top of the spaces.

This allows cooking smells and contaminants to be flushes out without creating a breeze that would be too cold directly on the occupants.

Sunlight analysis

The sun path diagram for Hong Kong indicates a large variation in sun altitude throughout the year: this allows for large amounts of glazing to increase light infiltration on the condition that glazing is covered with horizontal shading to prevent unwanted solar gains in summer.

Interior perspective

  • Live/Work Studio Proposal

  • Rhinoceros, Google Earth, Photoshop, and sketches


The large, floor to ceiling window will allow panoramic views across the south of the city, while sheltered from the low, evening sunlight.

This will create a sense of warm and calm in the living area that is connected to the kitchen.


In the evening, the wall of the main space will be lit with delicate shadows from the west-facing windows.

This will draw inhabitants to the main space, encouraging gathering at meal times around the central island.