Gebäudelehre - Building theory

Our design "The Artist's House" consists of three floors. Since each floor can be accessed by two staircases, there are not only stairs inside the building but also additional access that connects all three floors through the external staircase. This fulfills not only the artistic aspect but offers a residence with planting. The cuboid forms the cornerstone of the building complex and is defined as an entrance area and garage. The entrance area serves as a café and restaurant for visitors, but at the same time also as a kitchen for the resident artists. The second and the third level shows the exhibition area in the middle and the Living on the top L floor. On the first floor is the artist's exhibition and the inner stairs to the Ground floor, are directly attached to the café as well as on the second floor, which also represents the sectional model. In the third "L", the second floor is the living area Artists with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a terrace, and a workroom that can be reached directly from the outside staircase. In the center of the three floors and on the second floor there is a large tree on a planted level for increasing the quality of life and experience of the house.