Apartment in the ground floor that we had to reorganize and renew, wasn't planned for 4 people, but for 2. Every room in the apartment had to meet its minimum requirements.
Type and size of real estate | 45m2 | |
Location and date | Bribir, Western Croatia | |
Status of the project | Realized | |
Softwares I used | AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max | |
The area is very windy and we wanted to use it as a natural ventilation.
But the sunny days are very often, and the view all around was amazing. So we took off all the shutters and enabled as many sunshine and green view to enter the house.
Our next plan is to renovate the basement (stone walls and arched doors).
The old windows were all in white. In order to make every view as framed picture, the new windows and doors are ordered in colour black, and the old window frames are painted in black.