The Cold Year

Project details

The Cold Year was designed early in my Architecture career and is a pivotal moment in my learning. I was allowed freedom to experiment with the overall theme of the building with the guideline that the structure was to be a Community Center in downtown Pullman. At the time this project was developed, the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing. Due to this event occurring, the pandemic had a heavy impact on the design. I desired to experiment with "a public space to be isolated in."

The primary influence of this structure was the "Danteum" by Giuseppe Terragni & Pietro Lingeri. I strived to create a variety of metaphors with the architecture, primarily stemming from the interior of the structure. The design was to take a person on a journey through sorrow, discomfort, and isolation, until finding peace at the end.

As this is one of my earlier works, it is cruder by nature than my other projects. However the oppressive style of the architecture does serve as a time capsule for how I felt at the time this project was designed.


10,000 ft2



Status of the project


Tools used

Photoshop, Rhinoceros 3D

Egress Plan Sketches


The project was a learning experience. The Cold Year was completed on time and fulfilled all the essential requirements. The design was very experimental and heavily abstract. If I were to do the project again with the experience I have gained, I would improve the overall presentation of the structure. From this project, I learned how to apply more abstract constructs and I established skills that would develop in the years to come.